
مقالات چاپ شده اساتید گروه

به دلیل کثرت در مقالات، تنها به ارائه 3 مقاله اخیر هریک از اساتید گروه ریاضی در این قسمت آورده شده است.
برای دستیابی به مقالات کامل اساتید محترم گروه ریاضی، لطفا به سامانه ژیرو دانشگاه بناب هر کدام از اساتید مراجعه فرمایید.

دکتر علی حاجی بدلی

1)  Fatemeh Gholami, Farhad Darabi, Ali Haji-Badali (2022) On Einstein equations with cosmological constant in braneworld models INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: 96; 963-969

2) پروانه آتش پیکر، علی حاجی بدلی (۱۴۰۰) گروه های لی لورنتسی سوپر-اینشتینی ‎۳-‎بعدی مدلسازی پیشرفته ریاضی: ۱۱; ۴۱۵-۴۳۲

3) Mir Sajjad Hashemi, Ali Haji-Badali, Farzaneh Alizadeh (2021) Non-classical Lie symmetry and conservation laws of the nonlinear time-fractional Kundu–Eckhaus (KE) equation Pramana, Journal of Physics: 95; 1-12

دکتر میر سجاد هاشمی
  1) Mir Sajjad Hashemi, Elmira Ashpazzadeh, Mahsa Moharrami, Mehrdad Lakestani (2021) Fractional order Alpert multiwavelets for discretizing delay fractional differential equation of pantograph type APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS: 170; 1-13

2) Soheyla Pashayi, Sedaghat Shahmorad, Mir Sajjad Hashemi, mustafa Inc (2021) Lie symmetry analysis of two dimensional weakly singular integral equations JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS: 170; 104385

3) Mir Sajjad Hashemi (2021) A novel approach to find exact solutions of fractional evolution equations with non-singular kernel derivative CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS: 152; 111367
دکتر حسین پیری

1) Hossein Piri, Samira Rahrovi, Ramazan Zarghami (2021) Some fixed point theorems on generalized asymmetric metric spaces Asian-European Journal of Mathematics: 14; 1-19

2) Hossein Piri, Samira Rahrovi, Ramazan Zarghami (2021) Some fixed point theorems on generalized asymmetric metric spaces Asian-European Journal of Mathematics: 14; 1-19

3) Rasoul Jahed, Hamid Vaezi, Hossein Piri (2021) THE ITERATIONS OF STRONGLY QUASI \phi-NONEXPANSIVE MAPPINGS IN BANACH SPACES Journal of Mathematical Analysis: 12; 23-37

دکتر حجت افشاری

1) Monire Nosrati Sahlan, Hojat Afshari (2022) Lucas polynomials based spectral methods for solving the fractional order electrohydrodynamics flow model Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/communicatio; 21

2) Pari Amiri, Hojat Afshari (2022) Common fixed point results for multi-valued mappings in complex-valued double controlled metric spaces and their applications to the existence of solution of fractional integral inclusion systems CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS: 154; 1-15

3) Hojat Afshari, Erdal Karapinar (2021) A solution of the fractional differential equations in the setting of b-metric space Karpatsʹkì Matematičnì Publìkacìï карпатські мат: 13; 764-774

دکتر منیره نصرتی

1) Monire Nosrati Sahlan, Hojat Afshari (2022) Lucas polynomials based spectral methods for solving the fractional order electrohydrodynamics flow model Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/communicatio; 21

2) Monire Nosrati Sahlan, Hojat Afshari, Jehad Alzabut, Ghada Alobaidi (2021) Using Fractional Bernoulli Wavelets for Solving Fractional Diffusion Wave Equations with Initial and Boundary Conditions Fractal and Fractional: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/fractalfract; 1-20

3) Monire Nosrati Sahlan, Hojat Afshari (2021) Three new approaches for solving a class of strongly nonlinear two-point boundary value problems Boundary Value Problems: https://boundaryvalueproblems.springeropen.com/; 1-21

دکتر مریم عطاپور

1) Akbar Jahanbani, Maryam Atapour, Rana Khoeilar (2021) New Results on the Forgotten Topological Index and Coindex Journal of Mathematics: 1; ID 8700736, 11 pages

2) Maryam Atapour (2021) Sharp lower bounds of the sum-connectivity index of unicyclic graphs Journal of Mathematics: 1; ID 8391480, 6 pages

3) Maryam Atapour, َAkbar Jahanbani, Rana Khoeilar (2021) New Bounds for the Randić Index of Graphs Journal of Mathematics: 1; ID 9938406, 8 pages

دکتر مجتبی سجادمنش

1) Mojtaba Sajjadmanesh, Hassen Aydi, Eskandar Ameer, Choonkil Park (2022) The Method of Fundamental Solutions for the 3D Laplace Inverse Geometric Problem on an Annular Domain Fractal and Fractional: 6; 1-7

2) Mojtaba Sajjadmanesh, Shahin Shakib Khanghah, Hassen Aydi (2020) Determining the optimal source points in MFS by minimizing an energy gap functional for 3D Laplace operator Journal of Function Spaces: 2020; 1-5

3) حجت افشاری، مجتبی سجادمنش (۱۳۹۹) جواب برخی مسائل مقدار مرزی شامل معادلات دیفرانسیل کسری غیرخطی پژوهش های ریاضی: ۶; ۱۴۳-۱۵۰

دکتر سمیرا رهروی

1) Hossein Piri, Samira Rahrovi, Ramazan Zarghami (2021) Some fixed point theorems on generalized asymmetric metric spaces Asian-European Journal of Mathematics: 14; 1-19

2) Hossein Piri, Samira Rahrovi, Ramazan Zarghami (2021) Some fixed point theorems on generalized asymmetric metric spaces Asian-European Journal of Mathematics: 14; 1-19

3) Samira Rahrovi, Hossein Piri (2020) Fixed Point Theorems Concerning Rational Geraghty Contraction in a b-Metric Space Thai Journal of Mathematics: 18; 1961-1977

دکتر محسن عبدالحسین زاده

         1) Mohsen Abdolhosseinzadeh, Mir Mohammad Alipour (2021) Design of experiment for tuning parameters of an ant colony optimization method for the constrained shortest Hamiltonian path problem in the grid networks Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization: 11; 321-332

2) Mohsen Abdolhosseinzadeh, Mir Mohammad Alipour (2020) A simulated annealing algorithm for the restricted stochastic traveling salesman problem with exponentially distributed arc lengths Journal of Mathematical Modeling: 8; 279-290

3) Mir Mohammad Alipour, Mohsen Abdolhosseinzadeh (2020) A multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm to solve the maximum independent set problem Multiagent and Grid Systems: 16; 101-115         
  • ویرایش شده
  • در پنجشنبه بیست و ششم اسفند 1400
  • توسط مدير سايت گروه ریاضی
  • تعداد بازدید صفحه : 1386